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20 Ways to Fatten Your Body Naturally Without Medication For Women and Men
20 Ways to Fatten Your Body Naturally Without Medication For Women and Men

20 Ways to Fatten Your Body Naturally Without Medication For Women and Men - 
Apparently not all girls want to look thin slim, ladies. Surely there are also those of you who are reading this article, who just want to know how to fatten the body. Yep! Some women are less comfortable with their thin postures. There are even some of them who want to fatten their bodies because their thin bodies often become bully.

Well, if all this time you are more familiar with reading about how to lose weight, then what about those who want to know how to quickly fatten the body? Don't worry ladies, because in this paper we will explore thoroughly the method of fattening the body.

Why Want to Know How to Fatten Your Body?

Usually, those who want to fatten the body, can be triggered because of the following:

1. Under Average Weight

Calculate the ideal body weight with the formula: Ideal weight = (Height - 100) - (15% x (Height - 100)), and find results that are below standard, it also makes some women worry. This body weight is less than ideal which ultimately triggers the desire to know how to quickly fatten the body.

2. People talk

Not infrequently those who want to know how to fatten this body started with shame because many mocked him thinly. Even though we should not need to worry about what people say. As long as it's healthy, a thin body shouldn't be a problem right, ladies?

3. Difficult to gain weight

There are also those who feel they have eaten a lot every day, but they don't gain weight. This way of fattening a hard fat body is indeed a bit heavy, considering that it's already in the same body as that. But of course there are tips and tricks specifically for them.

How to Fatten the Body Naturally Without Medication

Well, of the three things that triggered people to want to know how to fatten the body, of course there will be some more things that are of concern. Not all can succeed by fattening the same body, but it would be nice if the way you fatten the body that you choose is healthy, without having to take drugs.

1. Choose High Nutrition Foods

You want to be fat, but don't sacrifice your health, ladies. How to fatten the body without drugs, does not mean you have to eat fatty foods and high calories. Instead you have to increase the consumption of healthy foods high in nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

2. Eat More Often

Aside from nutritious food, you also need to eat more often, ladies. Instead of eating three large meals a day, you should eat five to six times a small portion. Eat more often is better, because thin people tend to feel full quickly.

3. Consumption of Juices or Smoothies

Not only food that can affect weight, drinking juice is also a healthy way to fatten the body. Or if you like milk or yogurt, you can also make smoothies for breakfast every morning. These two drinks are cock to fatten the body because nutrients are more easily absorbed if the texture of the food is smoother.

4. Don't drink before eating

To avoid feeling full at the beginning, try not to drink water before you eat, ladies. Water tends to make you full, and of course it will reduce your appetite. It's better to drink water at mealtime or 30 minutes afterwards. This will help better absorption of nutrients.

5. Sports

Who says sports are only for those who want to shrink? More precisely, this exercise is carried out for a healthier life. Regular exercise is actually one way to naturally fatten the body. After getting tired of exercising, your appetite will certainly increase, and your body can get more calorie intake.

6. Limit Cardio Exercise

Even though it is mandatory to move, one of them is by exercising, but you can't go home, Ladies. To make body fat, you just have to limit the type of cardio exercise, especially if your body's metabolic process is fast.

If you are used to doing cardio training, you can give 30 minutes 5 times a week. You also need to avoid aerobic movements, such as cycling or running. This kind of exercise will actually reduce body fat which is actually needed if you want to fatten the body.

7. Additional Consumption of Calories

Each person's body is different in digesting food or removing energy. Well, these calories are the best source of energy for the body, which of course needs vary for each person. Where can you get calorie intake?

You can add grated cheese to the bread, or pair the omelet with the chicken soup you eat. However, also need to be vigilant for the dose, because excess calories can cause diabetes, ladies.

8. Consumption of Healthy Snacks

Eating more often does not mean we have to eat rice and side dishes five times a day. You can also add snacks between your activities. In the office, for example, you can provide fruits on the table, so that they are easy to reach, even when you are busy making reports on your computer.

If you are bored and want to be more varied, not only fruit, you can also choose other foods that are high in nutrients, such as soybeans. But it would be nice if you avoid foods that are fried or soaked with oil, to reduce cholesterol levels.

9. Drink plenty of water

Drink water before eating, make it full faster. / Copyright Shutterstock
Water has a lot of health benefits. Did you know, nearly 70% more thin people turned out to lack body fluids? Though water is needed for the operation of various functions of the body's organs, including the stomach and intestines in absorbing nutrients.

Most people are lazy to drink water because it often makes nausea and fullness. However, from the amount of consumption of white aort that should be 2 liters per day, you can share it in several sessions. You can start from waking up in the morning, afternoon, evening, to night.

10. Increase Carbohydrate Consumption

How to fatten the body naturally and healthily without drugs, one of which is to increase carbohydrate consumption. The amount of carbohydrate consumption will trigger more calorie intake the body needs to gain weight.

You certainly already know that carbohydrate sources are fairly numerous, ranging from rice, potatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes, wheat, to flour. However, like other foods, avoid excessive consumption, in order to maintain health in other parts of our body.

11. Enough Fat Needs

Don't overdo it, but you also have to make ends meet for the body if you want to fatten the body. By meeting the needs of fat and other nutrients as mentioned above, your weight will increase faster.

Sources of fat already exist in many foods that you consume everyday, such as vegetable oil, coconut,

fish, corn, and many more. But don't forget, keep in mind the portion of this fat consumption, because if it's too much, it won't be good for health.

12. Consumption of milk

The most effective way to fatten the body without drugs, can be by consuming milk. If you usually never drink milk, try starting tomorrow to provide milk at the workbench so you can drink it while you are busy at the computer.

Not necessarily pure milk, you can also consume preparations, such as yogurt, pudding, and even ice cream. If you don't want to eat it as a snack, you can drink it as a dessert after lunch.

13. Consumption of Quality Protein

To fatten the body and make strong muscles, the choice of protein sources must be considered. You can consume high-quality protein such as eggs, meat, fish, milk, or seeds.

You need to know, your body needs protein as much as 0.8 grams / body weight (kg) / day to form new muscles.

Therefore, if you consume more quality protein, then the process of muscle building will run well.

14. Honey consumption

Ladies must have known, there are so many benefits and properties of honey. Consuming honey is one of the things you need to do if you are in a program to fatten the body. There is special honey for you who wants to gain weight!

Body Fatty Honey is processed from herbal ingredients, aka natural. The content in this body fat honey is very reliable to naturally fatten the body without having an impact on health problems.

15. Food Chewing Up Smooth

As discussed in the above points for consumption of juices and smoothies, refined foods will be more easily absorbed by the body's nutrients. Well, if you don't make it smooth like juice, then you must chew food until smooth.

16. Compulsory Breakfast

For women, this one includes a way of naturally fattening the body that might be difficult. Most of you definitely avoid breakfast in the morning right? But as much as possible, you should not miss breakfast every morning.

You can consume an additional 1 egg and a glass of fruit juice every meal in the morning. Not only affects the growth of body weight, breakfast is also very beneficial for the body's endurance throughout the day.

17. Avoid staying up late

This one thing will probably be the most difficult thing to do, especially if you really like playing mobile before going to bed. In fact, staying up late is a big enemy if you want to fatten your body.

There is no good effect from staying up late, it will make your health condition worse. Worse, not only make thin, people who stay up late also have a higher risk of developing malignant disease.

18. Stop smoking

It's no secret that smoking is not good for health. Not only for those who consume it, but also for those around, who are affected by the smoke from the cigarette. Then what does it have to do with weight?

Unconsciously, smoking is a trigger to reduce appetite. Because you are lazy to eat, of course your body does not get nutrients and all nutritional needs properly. Now, what can you imagine, finally?

19. Check for Health

This should be the first thing you do if you want to fatten your body. You must know the cause of your weight that is difficult to rise. Well, before starting the body fattening method, you should first consult a doctor, or nutritionist.

There are several conditions that make your weight really won't be able to rise, or it will remain below normal. Hyperthyroidism, celiac disease, and eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa include. It will be difficult to fatten the body naturally for people whose body conditions are like that.

20. Make a Journal

Not including physical ways to fatten the body, but you also need to make a journal to know how much you gain weight every week.

You also need to include what types of food you consume, and what exercise you have done. that way, you can monitor the progress of your body fattening process. which things work, and which don't.

Well, that was the steps to fatten the body naturally and healthily without drugs for men and women. what you can do. Quite easy actually, it only depends on how you intend to execute it, ladies. Good luck, and hopefully the next month's body already contains well!

20 Ways to Fatten Your Body Naturally Without Medication For Women and Men

Mr Reizal
20 Ways to Fatten Your Body Naturally Without Medication For Women and Men
20 Ways to Fatten Your Body Naturally Without Medication For Women and Men

20 Ways to Fatten Your Body Naturally Without Medication For Women and Men - 
Apparently not all girls want to look thin slim, ladies. Surely there are also those of you who are reading this article, who just want to know how to fatten the body. Yep! Some women are less comfortable with their thin postures. There are even some of them who want to fatten their bodies because their thin bodies often become bully.

Well, if all this time you are more familiar with reading about how to lose weight, then what about those who want to know how to quickly fatten the body? Don't worry ladies, because in this paper we will explore thoroughly the method of fattening the body.

Why Want to Know How to Fatten Your Body?

Usually, those who want to fatten the body, can be triggered because of the following:

1. Under Average Weight

Calculate the ideal body weight with the formula: Ideal weight = (Height - 100) - (15% x (Height - 100)), and find results that are below standard, it also makes some women worry. This body weight is less than ideal which ultimately triggers the desire to know how to quickly fatten the body.

2. People talk

Not infrequently those who want to know how to fatten this body started with shame because many mocked him thinly. Even though we should not need to worry about what people say. As long as it's healthy, a thin body shouldn't be a problem right, ladies?

3. Difficult to gain weight

There are also those who feel they have eaten a lot every day, but they don't gain weight. This way of fattening a hard fat body is indeed a bit heavy, considering that it's already in the same body as that. But of course there are tips and tricks specifically for them.

How to Fatten the Body Naturally Without Medication

Well, of the three things that triggered people to want to know how to fatten the body, of course there will be some more things that are of concern. Not all can succeed by fattening the same body, but it would be nice if the way you fatten the body that you choose is healthy, without having to take drugs.

1. Choose High Nutrition Foods

You want to be fat, but don't sacrifice your health, ladies. How to fatten the body without drugs, does not mean you have to eat fatty foods and high calories. Instead you have to increase the consumption of healthy foods high in nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

2. Eat More Often

Aside from nutritious food, you also need to eat more often, ladies. Instead of eating three large meals a day, you should eat five to six times a small portion. Eat more often is better, because thin people tend to feel full quickly.

3. Consumption of Juices or Smoothies

Not only food that can affect weight, drinking juice is also a healthy way to fatten the body. Or if you like milk or yogurt, you can also make smoothies for breakfast every morning. These two drinks are cock to fatten the body because nutrients are more easily absorbed if the texture of the food is smoother.

4. Don't drink before eating

To avoid feeling full at the beginning, try not to drink water before you eat, ladies. Water tends to make you full, and of course it will reduce your appetite. It's better to drink water at mealtime or 30 minutes afterwards. This will help better absorption of nutrients.

5. Sports

Who says sports are only for those who want to shrink? More precisely, this exercise is carried out for a healthier life. Regular exercise is actually one way to naturally fatten the body. After getting tired of exercising, your appetite will certainly increase, and your body can get more calorie intake.

6. Limit Cardio Exercise

Even though it is mandatory to move, one of them is by exercising, but you can't go home, Ladies. To make body fat, you just have to limit the type of cardio exercise, especially if your body's metabolic process is fast.

If you are used to doing cardio training, you can give 30 minutes 5 times a week. You also need to avoid aerobic movements, such as cycling or running. This kind of exercise will actually reduce body fat which is actually needed if you want to fatten the body.

7. Additional Consumption of Calories

Each person's body is different in digesting food or removing energy. Well, these calories are the best source of energy for the body, which of course needs vary for each person. Where can you get calorie intake?

You can add grated cheese to the bread, or pair the omelet with the chicken soup you eat. However, also need to be vigilant for the dose, because excess calories can cause diabetes, ladies.

8. Consumption of Healthy Snacks

Eating more often does not mean we have to eat rice and side dishes five times a day. You can also add snacks between your activities. In the office, for example, you can provide fruits on the table, so that they are easy to reach, even when you are busy making reports on your computer.

If you are bored and want to be more varied, not only fruit, you can also choose other foods that are high in nutrients, such as soybeans. But it would be nice if you avoid foods that are fried or soaked with oil, to reduce cholesterol levels.

9. Drink plenty of water

Drink water before eating, make it full faster. / Copyright Shutterstock
Water has a lot of health benefits. Did you know, nearly 70% more thin people turned out to lack body fluids? Though water is needed for the operation of various functions of the body's organs, including the stomach and intestines in absorbing nutrients.

Most people are lazy to drink water because it often makes nausea and fullness. However, from the amount of consumption of white aort that should be 2 liters per day, you can share it in several sessions. You can start from waking up in the morning, afternoon, evening, to night.

10. Increase Carbohydrate Consumption

How to fatten the body naturally and healthily without drugs, one of which is to increase carbohydrate consumption. The amount of carbohydrate consumption will trigger more calorie intake the body needs to gain weight.

You certainly already know that carbohydrate sources are fairly numerous, ranging from rice, potatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes, wheat, to flour. However, like other foods, avoid excessive consumption, in order to maintain health in other parts of our body.

11. Enough Fat Needs

Don't overdo it, but you also have to make ends meet for the body if you want to fatten the body. By meeting the needs of fat and other nutrients as mentioned above, your weight will increase faster.

Sources of fat already exist in many foods that you consume everyday, such as vegetable oil, coconut,

fish, corn, and many more. But don't forget, keep in mind the portion of this fat consumption, because if it's too much, it won't be good for health.

12. Consumption of milk

The most effective way to fatten the body without drugs, can be by consuming milk. If you usually never drink milk, try starting tomorrow to provide milk at the workbench so you can drink it while you are busy at the computer.

Not necessarily pure milk, you can also consume preparations, such as yogurt, pudding, and even ice cream. If you don't want to eat it as a snack, you can drink it as a dessert after lunch.

13. Consumption of Quality Protein

To fatten the body and make strong muscles, the choice of protein sources must be considered. You can consume high-quality protein such as eggs, meat, fish, milk, or seeds.

You need to know, your body needs protein as much as 0.8 grams / body weight (kg) / day to form new muscles.

Therefore, if you consume more quality protein, then the process of muscle building will run well.

14. Honey consumption

Ladies must have known, there are so many benefits and properties of honey. Consuming honey is one of the things you need to do if you are in a program to fatten the body. There is special honey for you who wants to gain weight!

Body Fatty Honey is processed from herbal ingredients, aka natural. The content in this body fat honey is very reliable to naturally fatten the body without having an impact on health problems.

15. Food Chewing Up Smooth

As discussed in the above points for consumption of juices and smoothies, refined foods will be more easily absorbed by the body's nutrients. Well, if you don't make it smooth like juice, then you must chew food until smooth.

16. Compulsory Breakfast

For women, this one includes a way of naturally fattening the body that might be difficult. Most of you definitely avoid breakfast in the morning right? But as much as possible, you should not miss breakfast every morning.

You can consume an additional 1 egg and a glass of fruit juice every meal in the morning. Not only affects the growth of body weight, breakfast is also very beneficial for the body's endurance throughout the day.

17. Avoid staying up late

This one thing will probably be the most difficult thing to do, especially if you really like playing mobile before going to bed. In fact, staying up late is a big enemy if you want to fatten your body.

There is no good effect from staying up late, it will make your health condition worse. Worse, not only make thin, people who stay up late also have a higher risk of developing malignant disease.

18. Stop smoking

It's no secret that smoking is not good for health. Not only for those who consume it, but also for those around, who are affected by the smoke from the cigarette. Then what does it have to do with weight?

Unconsciously, smoking is a trigger to reduce appetite. Because you are lazy to eat, of course your body does not get nutrients and all nutritional needs properly. Now, what can you imagine, finally?

19. Check for Health

This should be the first thing you do if you want to fatten your body. You must know the cause of your weight that is difficult to rise. Well, before starting the body fattening method, you should first consult a doctor, or nutritionist.

There are several conditions that make your weight really won't be able to rise, or it will remain below normal. Hyperthyroidism, celiac disease, and eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa include. It will be difficult to fatten the body naturally for people whose body conditions are like that.

20. Make a Journal

Not including physical ways to fatten the body, but you also need to make a journal to know how much you gain weight every week.

You also need to include what types of food you consume, and what exercise you have done. that way, you can monitor the progress of your body fattening process. which things work, and which don't.

Well, that was the steps to fatten the body naturally and healthily without drugs for men and women. what you can do. Quite easy actually, it only depends on how you intend to execute it, ladies. Good luck, and hopefully the next month's body already contains well!

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