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3 techniques and How to Read Good and Right Poetry
3 techniques and How to Read Good and Right Poetry

3 techniques and How to Read Good and Right Poetry - How do you read good poetry? - We often hear questions like that around us. But unfortunately, we have not been able to explain it at all.
Well, this article is the answer to this question.

If you are interested, please continue reading it ..

When we see people reading poetry, it seems easy ... let alone sometimes reading using text instead of memorization. It seems that it's easy to do.

But is that right?

If only you have understood how to read good poetry, I think that the allegations about how easy it is to read poetry verses, may be true.

But, what if you read poetry on stage, have you ever imagined it?

After I explained about how to write poetry, on this occasion I wanted to share experiences about techniques and how to read poetry to impress on stage. I did this based on my experience when I first read poetry.

Reading the poem turned out to be difficult as many people imagined, especially when performing on stage in front of many people with all their eyes fixed on us.

It feels like the heart is beating fast, and worse when the poetry text disappears from my memory with panic. That's what happened when I first appeared reading poetry at an event at school a few years ago.

As we already know that poetry is a form of literary variety whose language is bound by rhythm, dimension, rhyme and the preparation of lyrics and stanzas.

Poetry is also an essay whose language is short, solid, beautiful and touching. The form is arranged in lines and in various stanzas, so that it contains rhythm and poetry with a feeling of feeling.

How to Read Good and Right Poetry on Stage

There are several things you should know when reading poetry (quoted from Wikipedia) including:

Accuracy of expression / expression
Kinesik is the motion of the limbs.
Articulation clarity
I want to describe it for you.

For a beginner, good techniques and ways to read poetry are something that must be understood so that when bringing poetry can be more perfect.

For more details, please refer to this article,

Accuracy of expression / expression

how to read poetry

Expression is a statement of feeling the results of poetry inspiration. Mimics are facial motion. Both are very important when presenting a poetry work.

A poet reader of course must be able to adjust the expression and expression of the face according to the contents contained in the poem.

When poetry is delivered with a sad tone, the expression of the reader must show expressions and expressions of sadness, or if the poem is delivered with anger, joy or pleasure, then you must adjust it.

It seems trivial, but this is very important to understand and ultimately be done when reading poetry on stage. The accuracy of expression and expression in reading poetry when performing is a necessity that is useful for describing and conveying the contents of the story in the poem to the audience or audience.

Kinesik is the motion of the limbs

The movements of the limbs when bringing poetry are equally important besides the expressions and expressions that you must pay attention to.

Imagine, when you have to carry a poem with a happy tone, but your movements do not show happiness. So surely the meaning and meaning of the poem is not conveyed.

This is what is worrying.

The meaning of poetry can be obtained from kinesik or the movement of your limbs. For that, pay attention and adjust your body movements with the content of the poem you read.

Articulation Clarity

Articulation is the change in cavity and space in the sound channel to produce the sound of language. The articulation area extends from the outer lip to the vocal cords, where phonemes are formed based on the vibrations of the vocal cords accompanied by changes in the position of the tongue and the like.

There are several types of articulation according to experts. But because of this description of how to read poetry, I just want to explain the articulation related to vocal or sound articulation.

Vocal articulation is a channel change that occurs in the space and cavity of the sound channel so that it can cause the resulting sound to become clearer and more real when heard.

This is the importance of vocal articulation in reading poetry. When the word per word becomes a beautiful sentence in reading poetry, it will be perfect if the delivery of the sentence pays attention to its articulation, namely the accuracy in pronouncing words.

So that the sentence becomes very clear and sounds so real in the ears of the viewers or audience present. This also causes the meaning and meaning of the poem to be captured more easily.

There are 2 important things articulation in reading poetry that must be understood

Timbre is the sound color (default) it has.
Timbre is a characteristic of human voice or instrument because of different intensity and number of harmonics and sub harmonics so that they can distinguish one instrument from another. Timbre in the art of music is often also called the color of sound.

In reading poetry, understanding timbre is important, namely to deepen speech, create a sense, and create a clear shadow of imagination so that it creates a special atmosphere and so on.

Intonation or song sound

In a poem, there are three types of intonation, including the following:

Dynamic pressure is the pressure on words that are considered important.
Tone pressure is a high low pressure sound. For example, high voices describe joy, anger, amazement, and so on. A low voice expresses sadness, resignation, doubt, despair and so on.
Temporal pressure is a slow slow pronunciation of syllables or words.
When you have mastered the way to read poetry correctly, then when reading the verse of poetry on the stage, of course, it will be easier to convey the meaning and meaning contained in the poem.

So that listeners can feel and easily receive messages from the poem.
Reading poetry is like representing feelings, describing anything that happens in the heart. That is my description on this opportunity about how to read good poetry with the right and beautiful expressions to be interesting.

3 techniques and How to Read Good and Right Poetry

Mr Reizal
3 techniques and How to Read Good and Right Poetry
3 techniques and How to Read Good and Right Poetry

3 techniques and How to Read Good and Right Poetry - How do you read good poetry? - We often hear questions like that around us. But unfortunately, we have not been able to explain it at all.
Well, this article is the answer to this question.

If you are interested, please continue reading it ..

When we see people reading poetry, it seems easy ... let alone sometimes reading using text instead of memorization. It seems that it's easy to do.

But is that right?

If only you have understood how to read good poetry, I think that the allegations about how easy it is to read poetry verses, may be true.

But, what if you read poetry on stage, have you ever imagined it?

After I explained about how to write poetry, on this occasion I wanted to share experiences about techniques and how to read poetry to impress on stage. I did this based on my experience when I first read poetry.

Reading the poem turned out to be difficult as many people imagined, especially when performing on stage in front of many people with all their eyes fixed on us.

It feels like the heart is beating fast, and worse when the poetry text disappears from my memory with panic. That's what happened when I first appeared reading poetry at an event at school a few years ago.

As we already know that poetry is a form of literary variety whose language is bound by rhythm, dimension, rhyme and the preparation of lyrics and stanzas.

Poetry is also an essay whose language is short, solid, beautiful and touching. The form is arranged in lines and in various stanzas, so that it contains rhythm and poetry with a feeling of feeling.

How to Read Good and Right Poetry on Stage

There are several things you should know when reading poetry (quoted from Wikipedia) including:

Accuracy of expression / expression
Kinesik is the motion of the limbs.
Articulation clarity
I want to describe it for you.

For a beginner, good techniques and ways to read poetry are something that must be understood so that when bringing poetry can be more perfect.

For more details, please refer to this article,

Accuracy of expression / expression

how to read poetry

Expression is a statement of feeling the results of poetry inspiration. Mimics are facial motion. Both are very important when presenting a poetry work.

A poet reader of course must be able to adjust the expression and expression of the face according to the contents contained in the poem.

When poetry is delivered with a sad tone, the expression of the reader must show expressions and expressions of sadness, or if the poem is delivered with anger, joy or pleasure, then you must adjust it.

It seems trivial, but this is very important to understand and ultimately be done when reading poetry on stage. The accuracy of expression and expression in reading poetry when performing is a necessity that is useful for describing and conveying the contents of the story in the poem to the audience or audience.

Kinesik is the motion of the limbs

The movements of the limbs when bringing poetry are equally important besides the expressions and expressions that you must pay attention to.

Imagine, when you have to carry a poem with a happy tone, but your movements do not show happiness. So surely the meaning and meaning of the poem is not conveyed.

This is what is worrying.

The meaning of poetry can be obtained from kinesik or the movement of your limbs. For that, pay attention and adjust your body movements with the content of the poem you read.

Articulation Clarity

Articulation is the change in cavity and space in the sound channel to produce the sound of language. The articulation area extends from the outer lip to the vocal cords, where phonemes are formed based on the vibrations of the vocal cords accompanied by changes in the position of the tongue and the like.

There are several types of articulation according to experts. But because of this description of how to read poetry, I just want to explain the articulation related to vocal or sound articulation.

Vocal articulation is a channel change that occurs in the space and cavity of the sound channel so that it can cause the resulting sound to become clearer and more real when heard.

This is the importance of vocal articulation in reading poetry. When the word per word becomes a beautiful sentence in reading poetry, it will be perfect if the delivery of the sentence pays attention to its articulation, namely the accuracy in pronouncing words.

So that the sentence becomes very clear and sounds so real in the ears of the viewers or audience present. This also causes the meaning and meaning of the poem to be captured more easily.

There are 2 important things articulation in reading poetry that must be understood

Timbre is the sound color (default) it has.
Timbre is a characteristic of human voice or instrument because of different intensity and number of harmonics and sub harmonics so that they can distinguish one instrument from another. Timbre in the art of music is often also called the color of sound.

In reading poetry, understanding timbre is important, namely to deepen speech, create a sense, and create a clear shadow of imagination so that it creates a special atmosphere and so on.

Intonation or song sound

In a poem, there are three types of intonation, including the following:

Dynamic pressure is the pressure on words that are considered important.
Tone pressure is a high low pressure sound. For example, high voices describe joy, anger, amazement, and so on. A low voice expresses sadness, resignation, doubt, despair and so on.
Temporal pressure is a slow slow pronunciation of syllables or words.
When you have mastered the way to read poetry correctly, then when reading the verse of poetry on the stage, of course, it will be easier to convey the meaning and meaning contained in the poem.

So that listeners can feel and easily receive messages from the poem.
Reading poetry is like representing feelings, describing anything that happens in the heart. That is my description on this opportunity about how to read good poetry with the right and beautiful expressions to be interesting.

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